sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020


Alicia S. Gutiérrez
from Mexicana, Journal of MEPSI, October 1989
compiled by Jaime Benavides



The assistance and espertise of Señor Celestine Ruiz Pérez, the foremost expert of Mexican stamps and coins, encouraged me to write these notes. Without his invaluable help I could not have done it.

The illustrated markings come fron examples in the prized collection of Mr. Dale L. Pulver, excdept for figures 1-4, and 10.


Spanish terms:

"Ca." or "Cía." or "Compañía" means "company".

"Hnos." or "Hermanos" means "brothers".

"Hijos" means "sons".

French terms:

"Cie." or "Compagnie" means "company".

"Fr``eres" means "brothers".


Basurto, Alfredo V., "Los Agentes Encaminadores (Forwarding Agents) en México", AMEXFIL BULLETIN, March-April 1988, pp. 410-415.

Bouret, Vda. de C., Diccionario de Geografía, Historia y Biografías Mexicanas, known as "Leduc" or "Roumagnac", 1910.

Cubas, Antonio García, Diccionario Geográfico, Histórico y Biográfico (de México), 1888-91.

Greenberg, Jack, "Pioneer Express Service to La Paz, Baja California", Berkeley, Western Express, April 1979; reprinted in MEXICANA, July and October, 1980.

Lowe, Robson, Encyclopedia of the British Empire Postage Stamps.

Pérez, Ruiz, Celestino, personal correspondence, 1988-89.

Pulver, Dale R., "Early Agents Moved Mexico's Mail Abroad", Linn's, July 11, 1988.

Rowe, Kenneth, The Postal History of Forwarding Agents, second edition, 1984, L.H.Hartmann, Box 36006, Louisville, KY.

Westerberg, J.F., "USA-Hawaii Overland Mail Via Mexico 1842-46", The Collectors Club Philatelist, New York, Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, Jan. 1955; reprinted in MEXICANA, April 1969.

Diccionario Porrúa - Historia, Biografía y Geografía de México, 5th edition, 1986.


[9] There was a very important firm, Manning & McKintosh, very likely related to this Manning. MacKintosh was the British Consul in Mexico City. He was dictator Santa Ana’s protégé who at some time received Mexico’s Mint (Casa de Moneda) concession for ten years.
[10] Staples also had offices in Mexico City.

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